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Hello! I’m Asha Suppiah and I believe in the unbelievable capacity of humans. I believe that we all have the ability to become unstoppable and yes, I mean you!

I am an Entrepreneur, Philanthropist, and Money Mindset Expert. Ever since I could remember I have had a passion to help make a difference in people’s lives. I am what some people would call a dreamer! I have always believed in the so-called “impossible”. Remember IMPOSSIBLE spells out “I’m Possible”.

My journey so far in life has comprised of me taking on numerous endeavours that some people would say are “impossible”. But when I put my head to something and truly believe that it is going to make an impact, well gosh darn it, I make sure I achieve it!

Currently, I am the founder of three business that are based on ideas and programs that are out of the box and unique. The common thread between all my endeavours in life has been a focus on empowering women and girls as well doing the so called “impossible.”

Business #1: Asha Suppiah International

Asha Suppiah International is the business through which I coach/train women entrepreneurs and leaders to ditch the money blocks so that can surpass the money goal that keeps eluding them month after month. I am often referred to as a high performance strategist for my unique techniques of helping women perform at the level of mastery.

Unfortunately the majority of women in this world are not conditioned to be rich. We hold the memory of generational scarcity in our body and systems. I can help you create a clean slate energetically, emotionally, and physically so that you can access the wealth that is your birthright. 

 My passion is to help women succeed at a level never seen before in history. 


My goal is to help 1 Million women uplevel their business and life.


I truly believe that each and every one of us has all we need to succeed within us.

Business #2: Enviro Spinnovations Inc.

My second business is Enviro Spinnovations Inc., through which I am working to commercialize a patented solar desalination technology that I invented. Solar desalination is a technology that uses two natural resources, sun and seawater, to produce clean drinking water. I developed this technology as a “doe-eyed” kid between the ages of 12 to 15 through science fair competitions. Many people told me I was crazy, I was told “Scientists across the world haven’t been able to develop a solar desalination technology that is efficient or cost effective. How do you think you can do it?” I had a lot of things going against me such as age and gender, but I truly believed that I could do it. I did the research, tried and tried again and finally I developed a technology that was affordable and efficient! I can tell you the main reason for my success was my mindset and productivity techniques.

Business #3: Water Well-ness Project

My third business is a Not-for-Profit organization called Water Well-ness Project (WWP). We are a For-Purpose Organization and our passion is to ensure that every single person on this planet has access to safe, clean water and sanitation facilities. We help people live and give in a way that is joyful, meaningful and helps the planet at the same time! Through WWP I developed a unique giving program called H2O Investments with my co-founder (and sister), Roopa Suppiah. H2O Investments is the first opportunity for Canadians to directly support the implementation of water and sanitation facilities in developing countries and, uniquely, receive their money back plus interest! The best part is 100% of the invested money is given directly to impoverished families and communities in India as microfinance loans. This is the first program of its kind in North America and while developing it there were a lot of doubters and underestimators. We heard things like “Why are you reinventing the wheel” and “Don’t you think others would have thought of this by now if it were a viable model” and “You are just a small organization how do you think you can take on such a monumental task”. Well, we didn’t let anyone discourage us. We saw a problem with the way philanthropy was being done and after lots of research and 10 years of personal experience, we knew we had found the solution. So, we dug in, and just went for it. And I will tell you it was so worth it because we are really empowering women and girls in India through our H2O Investments Program. Again, I truly believe that our “unstoppable mindset” and our productivity techniques were what led us to success.

As you can see I have significant experience in pushing through obstacles and achieving my dreams. I believe that if you want something enough and you truly believe it, you can achieve it. This is why I am so passionate about helping women entrepreneurs break through their self-imposed limits and shatter the glass ceiling. I believe that my unique set of experiences have led me to develop some powerful techniques and frameworks to help people achieve their dreams!!