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Asha in the Press


Article Covering my Top 20 Under 20 Award “Slaking a Thirst for Clean Water.” – By Unnati Gandhi.  Read Here


Article Covering my Science Innovation Impact Award from Canada Foundation of Innovation and Youth In Motion “Water, water everywhere, but not a drop to drink” – By Tim Lougheed.  Read Here

Article Covering my National Science Awards. “Fueling Around” – By Tim Lougheed.  Read Here


I was asked to write in the magazine about the water crisis as well as my work to combat the world water crisis. “A solar solution” – By Asha Suppiah.  Read Here (p.g 50)



Article Covering my Indo Canadian Young Achiever of the Year Award “Trading on the best in South Asian Business ” – By Thomas d”Aquino.  Read Here


Article Covering the philanthropic work I do with my Not-for-Profit Organization, Water Well-ness Project “From Canada, with Love ” – By G. Satyamurty. Read Here



“Young women leading the way ” – By Jasmeet Sidhu.  Read Here



Press Release – Agents of Change Award, Presented by American Express And Ashoka. Read Here

Press Release -Top 20 Under 20 Award, Presented by Youth In Motion.  Read Here